
Let Capital Industry Group Handle Your Civil Construction Projects

15 December 2022

Construction works such as new builds, renovations, and others can only be carried out effectively if they are handled by reputable construction companies. Even minor yet important projects like asphalting, concreting, and others can only be done optimally if they are planned, designed, and carried out by experienced contractors.

Now, one branch of civil engineering that should be handled properly by professionals is civil construction. It enables companies to plan, carry out, and execute large construction and structural projects. This branch of civil engineering likewise enables companies to maintain natural and physically built environments.

Given the intensity of these projects, civil construction experts should know everything about erosion control, access right, grading, public impact, legal regulations, and many more. Subcontractors are then needed if they require some assistance with some of these things.

Civil Construction Work and Projects

Civil construction companies hire employees who know how to carry out a wide array of construction-related activities.

Some of them include adhering to the guidelines set by the government, local bodies, and clients when planning, creating, and maintaining infrastructures, creating cost estimates, contracts, and infrastructure plans, tendering the contracts, hiring contractors, studying and investigating the land and building sites, liaising with clients, governments, and other professionals, and monitoring the construction project.

Projects that are then finished by these companies include earthwork projects like capping landfills, building new levees, and reshaping flood-prone areas, stabilisation or widening projects for canals and rivers, creation of wastewater treatment plants, holding tanks, and settlement ponds, and the construction of bridges, railroads, roadways, and many more.

Of course, civil construction companies can also handle the construction of public structures like city halls, public libraries, and many more.

Capital Industry Group Can Help You

If you want your proposed civil construction projects to be completed optimally, you must hire our team at Capital Industry Group.

We are one of Australia’s leading civil construction companies filled with highly qualified professionals in civil construction and infrastructure projects. We have years of experience providing specialised labour for projects like Hard Surface Reinstatements, civil concrete and asphalt works, and projects for the government, local council, and private companies.

With more than 2 decades of experience in the civil infrastructure industry, we can ensure that our projects will be created with the highest quality on time and within budget. We even ensure that we adhere to the highest possible safety requirements following Australian OH&S Standards. We provide services to the North and West Metropolitan Region of Melbourne, Western Melbourne, North / Central Melbourne, and North Eastern Melbourne.

For our civil services, we can carry out planned inspections and maintenance on infrastructures before they are harmed by normal wear and tear. Some services we conduct are programming of works and scheduling, concreting, asphalt roads and footpaths repair and construction, drains asset maintenance and monitoring, and street furniture and monitoring maintenance.

We also cover concreting and asphalting services. To hire our professional team for your civil construction works, you can contact us at Capital Industry Group.

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