
Civil Services on Drains Asset Maintenance and Monitoring

07 February 2023

Buildings and structures in a community are built with durable materials. But despite their robust composition, their foundations and other parts can still be damaged if they are exposed and overwhelmed by flood.

To ensure that rainwater and other elements will not cause major flooding in communities, the state should make sure that enough drainage components will be built. An effective drainage system is essential as it allows water to flow freely and send it downhill or to other similar places instead of building up in roads. With proper installation and upkeep, this system can reduce the chances of property flooding, insect breeding, and others.

A Quick Introduction to Asset Management

The drainage system in a community is a part of community assets, which must be handled with utmost care. It works alongside roads, community buildings, water systems, and other engineered assets. It must also be tied with the functions of natural assets like wetlands, streams, and lakes so that flooding and other negative ecological effects will be mitigated.

Now, to ensure that these assets can truly work together, communities must manage them optimally. Asset management is a process that can help regulate assets since it involves making informed decisions about them, especially when it comes to cost, risk, and service. It entails not only the replacement of aging or faulty assets but also the maintenance of assets regularly and proactively. Carrying asset management optimally can help maximise the service life of assets while minimising disruptions to primary community services.

Through asset management, states can effectively deliver critical services to communities optimally, reduce lifecycle costs of service delivery, improve the value of the community’s investment in assets, enhance financial planning, and many more.

Perks of Asset Maintenance and Monitoring

As mentioned before, the drainage system of communities should undergo regular upkeep and servicing to ensure that it can prevent flooding issues. Drains asset maintenance and monitoring, fortunately, can be done to make the system work.

As long as professionals are hired to carry these processes out, drains are expected to operate optimally without needing regular replacement and servicing. Effective drains can likewise make sure that service level will be achieved, and that they can function as planned. The environment can even be protected. Modification to their maintenance can likewise be implemented, making sure that drains can work without hurting the environment.

Maintenance of drains can be done by unblocking them regularly. Failure to unclog the drains will only result in the accumulation of water on the road. Traffic safety risks may also be present if left blocked. Repairs must then be done if problems and issues are found on the said assets. The continuous usage of faulty drainage system components may only disrupt service provision, cause public health or safety risks, and promote infrastructure damage.

Civil Services by the Capital Industry Group

Drain assets maintenance and monitoring can be carried out by our professional team at Capital Industry Group.

With more than 20 years of experience in the civil infrastructure industry, we can ensure that we can create projects of the highest quality on time and within budget while following the highest possible safety requirements following Australian OH&S standards. Our civil services encompass long-term and short-term solutions to challenges such as public liability risk and negative impact on asset users and community members.

Contact us today if you need help with drain asset maintenance and monitoring.

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