
Concreting Services: Primary Uses of Concrete in the Field of Civil Engineering

23 January 2023

Civil engineering is an engineering discipline that involves the design, planning, construction, and maintenance of roads, bridges, canals, dams, pipelines, building components, railways, and other public works. It helps people carry out their daily activities without any issues.

To build, construct, and service these public works, contractors have to ensure that they only use the most durable and long-lasting materials out there. One of the materials they often maximise is concrete. Concrete is one of the most utilised building materials today as it boasts impeccable strength, excellent durability, and reliable energy efficiency. It is even sustainable, which makes it the perfect material for most civil engineering applications.

There are many uses of concrete in the field of civil engineering. Some of them are as follows.


One of the most common uses of concrete is the construction of buildings. Both residential and commercial buildings take advantage of concrete due to its previously stated properties. In residential buildings, concrete is utilised for foundations, slabs, columns, beams, and other core parts of their structure. Commercial buildings also maximise concrete on these parts. Once the concrete has been integrated into these buildings, their overall energy consumption may decrease significantly. Property owners can also expect their properties to last longer.

Roads and Driveways

Another primary application of concrete is the creation of roads and driveways. Roads, driveways, pavements, and other similar infrastructures can last longer if they are filled with concrete. Concrete, after all, can withstand heavy foot and vehicle traffic. This material can also withstand the effects of weather elements like heat and moisture. Concrete roads and others also require less maintenance than others, making them cost-effective in the long run.

Underground Works

Sewers, piers, culverts, and other underground construction works can also be made from concrete since they must function optimally without deteriorating in a short time. Without durable materials, these structures may become unstable until they finally collapse, which can result in more damage to the aboveground structures, utilities, and other essential elements.


Fences are often constructed from timbers, metals, and other materials as they only need to set the boundaries of properties. However, these outdoor elements can also be utilised as preventive agents against burglars and unwanted visitors. Hence, integrating concrete into fences can be a good way to build these structures and make them more durable and reliable. Concrete fences can even be more beautiful than other fence types.


Dams are huge structures intended to store water. They are also used by the energy industry to produce a good amount of electricity for nearby communities. Given the high loads and intense water pressure imposed on these structures, they should be constructed out of durable and robust materials. Fortunately, concrete is one of the materials that can be used in making dams. Once utilised for these structures, dams are expected to be functional for a long time.

Marine Construction

Water pressure can be intense, especially if the weather conditions become extreme. Without seawalls and other seawater structures, seawater may engulf coastal communities right away, which can damage their properties and even claim lives. Concrete seawalls, breakwaters, and others, luckily, can be reliable in resisting storm surges and preventing coast erosion.

For quality concrete services, you can contact us at Capital Industry Group.

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